Communication, Press & Publicity Committee

Committee Chair
Susan Johnson
To inquire about opportunities to join this committee, contact
“This committee is all about voice, representation, and access. It’s a big job and a bigger responsibility. We take it seriously and we have success to show for it.”
Working on the Communications, Press & Publicity Committee
Meetings: We meet weekly or more as needed, usually during work hours (e.g. on a Monday or Tuesday 1:30-2:30 PM) via Zoom or conference call
Estimated Time Commitment: Approximately 2-3 hours per month (more if you opt to write the weekly article).
Who We’re Looking For: Persons with editing, writing & communications skills
Activities: Submissions of written articles about topics of interest for the Cincinnati Herald weekly column and postings for web page and social media
Benefits of Working with Us: An opportunity to contribute to being the voice of the organization.
Disclaimer: All article submissions and representations of the branch must be submitted through this committee and will be subject to the approval of the president. No individual committee member may present themselves as a spokesperson of the branch without one over one (meaning incident-specific) advanced, expressed designation by the president.