What’s Your Voting Plan?

Upcoming Elections

May 6, 2025 Primary Election  •  November 4, 2025 General Election

#1 Are you registered to vote?

Check your voter registration status online

Have you been removed from the voter list?

Download a voter registration form (PDF)

Register to vote online

#2 What’s your Voting Plan?

Voting by mail

You can vote before election day by applying for an absentee ballot by mail.

You must fill out a separate Vote-by-Mail application for every election.

Voting in person before Election Day

Anyone registered to vote in Ohio and living in Hamilton County can come to the board of elections offices starting about four weeks prior to an election.

Voting on election day at your Polling Place

Anyone registered to vote in Ohio can go to their local polling place to vote on election day.

#3 Do you have what you need to vote?

Acceptable forms of ID for Voting

A voter presenting an Ohio driver license or Ohio ID card that shows voter’s former address is permitted to cast a regular ballot so long as the voter’s current residential address has been updated with the Board of Elections and appears in the official poll list of registered voters for that precinct.

Voters who do not provide any ONE of these documents at the precinct will still be able to vote using a provisional ballot and providing the last four digits of their social security number or appearing at the Board Office within 7 days of Election Day to provide ID.