Education Committee

Committee Chair
Jennifer Myree
To inquire about opportunities to join this committee, contact
“Education must not simply teach work – it must teach Life.”
– W. E. B. Du Bois
NAACP is partnering with Cincinnati Public Schools to increase literacy for CPS Students.
- Step One – Sign-Up to become a Read2Lead tutor today! Use this link – to sign up and obtain your FBI/BCI Background check.
- Step Two – Mark your calendars to attend the Volunteer Orientation on April 6, 2023 at 6pm to learn more about the Literacy Tutor Training and other volunteer opportunities.
Contact Jennifer L. Myree, Education Committee Chair @ for more information.
Meetings: Meet on the second Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. via Zoom.
Estimated Time Commitment: Varies
Who We’re Looking For: Education Advocates; Parents, Business Partners, and Educators, who want to Change the Trajectory for black children attending schools in the Cincinnati region.
Activities: Advocate and remedy families experiencing discrimination in schools, collaborate with schools and districts to remedy educational complaints, equity in education training/workshop, and volunteer in schools
Benefits of Working with Us: You can improve the educational conditions and outcomes for children and families in your community.