Membership Committee
Committee Chair

Brigette Davis
The Membership Committee is Thriving and Committed to the growth and well being of the minority communities through Outreach, Social Events and Outings.
Promoting Peace, Positivity and Purpose!
To inquire about joining this committee email
Working on the Membership Committee
Meetings: We meet the third Monday of the month from 6-7 PM via zoom.
Estimated Time Commitment: Approximately 3-4 hours per month.
Who We’re Looking For: The Membership Committee is looking for creative minds to help us continue building the Cincinnati Branch!
Activities: Membership is a cross-functional committee that helps to educate people on what each committee does. We do things that help drive membership, like the Annual Community Block Party and our Golf Outing. As well as, the Call Campaign Team. We can match anyone with their interest.
Benefits of Working with Us: When you work with the Membership Committee, you know you have made a permanent footprint in our Cincinnati community.
Quarterly New Member Orientation: Held once a quarter for new members or any member who wants to know more about what we do and how to get more involved. Call our office at 513-281-1900 for any additional details or email us at for the Zoom link.