Women in NAACP (WIN) Committee

Committee Chair
Karen McConnal Jackson
To inquire about opportunities to join this committee, contact Karen at
“Women are the backbone of our community, and children are the future. We must do all we can to support, empower, and lift them up.”
Working on the WIN Committee
Meetings: We meet monthly for about 30 minutes via Zoom.
Estimated Time Commitment: Approximately one to two hours per month
Who We’re Looking For: Women who are available to visit monthly with our adopted class during the school year (Noon – 1:30pm, for approximately 30 minutes). Also, women who can help to expand our presence in the community to reach more women/children in a positive way.
Activities: We support/sponsor events for women & children in the community
Benefits of Working with Us: The joy, satisfaction, and impact of interacting with children and women in our community.
Impact Stories:
We are proud to have supported our adopted class of South Avondale Elementary in many ways. We also partnered with the City of Cincinnati (Office of Human Relations) and the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints (West Chester) to expand our Annual Winter Coat Drive.